How to join or change settings for the NY Intergroup emails

  • NY Intergroup sends emails using a Google Group
  • If you are not receiving these emails and would like to be added to the group
    1. Go to the Google Group page
    2. Click on “Apply for membership”
    3. Select your email preference—Google can send you daily or periodic summaries, or pass on emails as they arrive
    4. Indicate why you want to receive the emails (e.g., “I am the ISR for the XXX group.”)
    5. Click “Apply to join this group”
  • If you would like to change how the emails are sent
    1. Go to the Google Group page
    2. Click on the picture of the head with a cog on the right hand side—”My settings”—and select “Membership and email settings”
    3. Update your preferences—Google can send you daily or periodic summaries, or pass on emails as they arrive, or not send emails at all
    4. We do not recommend that you link your Google profile or show your photo (to maintain your anonymity!)
    5. Click “Save”


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