Minutes of the GSR Committee 4/30/17

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.


Minutes of the GSR-Service Structure Committee meeting of Underearners Anonymous 4/30/17 1:30 to 3:00pm Eastern Time

The regular monthly meeting of the GSR Meeting was called to order on April 30, 2017 at 1:30pm Eastern time by the chairman, Mark.

Serenity Prayer

Marcia volunteers to be the spiritual time keeper.

Roll Call:

Mark, Chairman of the GSR-Service Structure Committee, New York, The Bronx, seeds of prosperity meeting.

Marcia, Wednesday night Sherman Oaks 7pm words and action meeting.

Jerri, 9:45 Eastern Time phone meeting on the main line, step and tools. Has to leave immediately.

Kerri, Tuesday Possession Consciousness meeting. keepstimetwenty@nullgmail.com

Pam, Heart Felt prosperity step and tool meeting

Clara, Underearning and Solvency, 7:15am

Dorie, , California Palm Desert.

Greg, Secretary, Thursday night Altadena meeting in Los Angeles

Alex, Los Angeles, Wednesday beyond six figures meeting, at 8pm Eastern

Elea, Farmers Market noon Saturdays, Los Angeles

Deborah, evening step and speaker phone meeting Los Angeles.

Steve, New York, intuition and clarity Sunday 12:15 phone meeting.

Arden, Berkley California, Daily prosperity and vitality meeting (joined call later)

Peggy (joined later)

Corrina (joined later)



Approval of Minutes:

Minutes for the March meeting of the GSR committee (whose names was later changed to the GSR-Service Structure Committee) were approved unanimously.

Officer Reports:

GSB Report: No Report from the GSB.

Literature Committee: Pam gives report. They did meet. Continued working on Sponsorship Pamphlet. Editing it via e mail. They meet the third Sunday of the month.

Finance Committee: No liaison, no report. Mark stated that the treasury had approximately $35,000.00

Public Information: No liaison, looking for a chair.

Tech Committee (Elea is Liaison): They are starting the process of registering the meetings on the website. Deborah in contact with Mary Joan about Registration. Elea steps down as Liaison to the Tech Committee.

Old Business.

Nominations for the finance committee Liaison: Arden nominated as Liaison provisionally to Finance committee. Nominated by Marcia, Seconded by Greg. Unanimously approved.

Nominations for Public Information Liaison: No nominations.

Nominations for Liaison to Literature Committee: Pam nominated as Liaison.

Nominations for Liaison to Tech Committee: Deborah nominated as Liaison.

Summary of Communications of GSB and GSRs

Questions and Answers session with the Chairman of the GSB, Matt. (Pam)

It was hoped that the GSR committee would take the lead and organize the WSC and that the GSR committee populate the other committees with members to spread the consciousness of UA. The GSR committee is autonomous.

GSB Liaison Report (March, Greg) .GSB committee suggested that the name of the GSR committee be changed to the GSR-Service Structure Committee. Would the GSR committee take on the organization of the World Service Conference? The consciousness of the GSR committee would be expressed through the population of committees.

GSB Liaison Report (April, Mark). Many GSB trustees are also the chairmen of Committees. They are hoping that the GSR committee will step up and populate and lead those committees. GSB also needs Trustees. GSB committee suggested that the name of the GSR committee be changed to the GSR-Service Structure Committee. Any member of UA is welcome to attend the GSR meeting but only GSR’s are allowed to vote. There are no requirements for GSR’s. There are motions that speak to Requirements on the agenda.

New business:

Motion 1 – Name and composition of the GSR Committee:   The Service Structure Committee and the GSR committee will be merged into one committee called the “GSR-Service Structure Committee”. Deborah makes motion, seconded by Arden. Ayes 9, Noes 1, Abstentions 1. Motion Passes

Motion 2 – Time and Day of the GSR-Service Structure Committee meeting. 

The Usual day and time of the GSR-Service Structure Committee Chair meeting will be on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30pm Eastern time. Made by Arden, 8 Ayes, Noes 0, abstentions 1. Motion Passes.

Motion 3 – Formation WSC Prep committee. The GSR-Service Structure Committee will create a World Service Conference committee (WSC Prep committee) dedicated to planning the next WSC . Committee will be Composed of Pam, Deborah, Clara, Arden, and Elia and anyone else who wants to participate. Made by Deborah, seconded by Greg. Motion passes unanimously.

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