Minutes of the GSR Committee 3/19/17

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.


Minutes of the GSR meeting of Underearners Anonymous 3/19/17 1pm to 2:30pm

The regular monthly meeting of the GSR Meeting was called to order on March 19, 2017 at 1pm (Eastern Time) by the chairman.

Serenity Prayer

Wendy volunteers to be the time keeper. Deborah took over as time keeper half way through the meeting as Wendy had to leave.

Roll Call:

Mark B

Arden, Berkley California, Daily prosperity and vitality meeting,

Jerri, 9:45 Eastern Time phone meeting on the main line step and tools.

Pam, Heart felt prosperity step and tool,

Elea, Farmers Market noon Saturdays

Wendy, Tuesday coaches and consultants meeting 7am Pacific Time,

Deborah, evening step and speaker phone meeting Los Angeles

Greg, Thursday night Altadena 7:30 to 9:00pm Abundance and Prosperity,

Marcia, Wednesday night 7pm words and action meeting

Leila , Austin UA , Sunday 5-6 central time

Jean Camille, trustee from GSB

Steve, New York, intuition and clarity Sunday 12:15 phone meeting,

Elia, from Isreal (joined toward the end)

Some meetings will be joining us later as they are in session currently

Arden and Deborah agree to reach out to other GSR’s about this meeting. They will contact Mary Joan who has all GSR info.

Minutes for last meeting were unanimously approved (February 2017). There was a clarification that Elea is the liaison to the Tech committee.

Officer Reports:

GSB Report: No Report from the GSB. There will be an informal Question and Answer by the GSB on 2/26/2017 at 1pm eastern given by the chairman (Matt)

Literature Committee : No Liaison, but Pam gives report. Meeting tomorrow. Will be working on the top ten bullet points for sponsorship pamphlet.

Finance Committee: No Liaison

Public Information: No Liaison

Tech Committee (Elea): Connected with Mary Joan (interim chair of Tech committee). No progress reported. The Tech Committee is just Ileana and Deborah and includes Phone and website. Deborah and Arden might join Tech Committee to access contact info of GSRs.

Old Business.

Nominations for the finance committee Liaison: No Nominations

Nominations for Public Information Liaison: No nominations

Nominations for Liaison to Literature tabled so to look up old minutes to see if someone was nominated previously.

27 minute Discussion GSR committee becoming a standing committee of the GSB.

Motion 1 – Name of our Committee:   The name or our meeting will be the “GSR Committee”. 7 yeas, 0 nays, 2 abstentions. Motion passes (Made by Arden, seconded by Greg)

New business:

Motion 2 – Composition of the GSR Committee

The GSR Committee will be made up of GSRs.  Any UA member may attend the meetings but only GSRs or their elected alternates will be able to vote. Four yeas, two nays zero abstainers motion passes. (Made by Deborah, seconded by Elea)


Motion 3 – Primary Purposes of the GSR Committee:

One of the primary purposes of the GSR Committee will be to establish a monthly list of concerns of the GSRs to be conveyed to the GSB via our Liaison at the monthly GSB Meeting.  The GSR Committee will have it’s own self-determining agenda. (Arden made the motion).       8 hays 1 nays 1 abstentian.

The Primary Purpose of the GSR committee will be to establish a monthly list of concerns to be conveyed to the GSB via our Lipson at the monthly GSB meeting. The GSR committee will have its own self determining agenda.

Motion 4 to meet at 1:30pm instead of 1pm eastern on the third of every month. April 16, 2017. 3 yays 0 nays 0 abstainers.

Motion 5 Greg, is elected to Report to the GSB on what has taken place at this month’s GSR meeting to GSB. Greg acknowledges that this is temporary position as he has only worked his fourth step and the requirement for liaison is that they have worked all the steps.






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