Minutes of the GSR Committee 5/28/17

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.


Minutes of the GSR-Service Structure Committee meeting of Underearners Anonymous 5/28/17 1:30 to 3:00pm Eastern Time

The regular monthly meeting of the GSR Meeting was called to order on May 28, 2017 at 1:30pm Eastern time by the chairman, Mark.

Serenity Prayer

Marcia volunteers to be the spiritual time keeper.

Roll Call:

Mark, Chairman of the GSR-Service Structure Committee, New York, The Bronx, seeds of prosperity meeting.

Unidentified from Israel

Wendy, Los Angeles, prosperous meeting, femaleprosperouswendy@nullgmail.com

Arden, Berkley California, Writer’s meeting arden.uajoy@nullgmail.com

Zima Sunday morning beginners meeting 8:00am, steelblue360@nullgmail.com

Julie, UA prosperity forum meeting, julieclw999@nullgmail.com

Deborah, evening step and speaker phone meeting, Los Angeles

Greg, Secretary, Thursday night Altadena meeting in Los Angeles

Pam, Heart Felt prosperity step and tool meeting

Marcia, Wednesday night Sherman Oaks 7pm words and action meeting.

Steve, New York, intuition and clarity Sunday 12:15 phone meeting.

Burton B., Covering for Elea for speaking for prosperity meeting in Los Angeles.

Clara, Underearning and Solvency, 7:15am

Lela, Thursday night face to face meeting in Austin.

Matt B, Los Angeles. Chairman of the General Service Board, and chair of the literature committee.



Approval of Minutes:

Minutes for the April meeting of the GSR-Service Structure Committee were amended as follows: Motion 1. The GSR-Service Structure Committee can also be abbreviated “GSR-SS committee”. GSB had recommended that this committee be named the “Service Structure Committee-GSR committee”. The GSB recommended it, but the GSR-SS committee did not approve of it.

Officer Reports:

GSB Report: (Matt). GSB suggests that the GSR-SS committee have a representative on the GSB. Any representative the GSR- SS committee can contact Mat or the secretary. It’s suggested that the chairman of the GSC-SS committee continue as liaison. Clarity is needed on Liaison position. Julie is the secretary of the GSB and to get on the Google group in order to receive a copy of the minute’s e mail her at uagsb.org. Local workshops are not funded by the GSB. The treasurer’s report is attached to the minutes. There is also a spending plan that shows how the money is willing to be spent. The GSB does not endorse individuals, or their workshops. Fellows giving out info on workshops by individuals on phone or face to face meetings have been asked to stop. Workshops belong to UA not individuals. There were five founders not one. Wendy’s suggestion for Matt was tabled because of time concerns.

Literature Committee: (Pam) Making progress on sponsorship pamphlet. They have clarified introduction, now working on bullet points. They meet the third Monday of the month at 8pm eastern. This meeting is not on the UA calendar. Anyone interested in joining the committee can e mail matt

Finance Committee: (Arden) looking for new members. Hired a bookkeeper. A fellow donated a subscription to QuickBooks to UA. Mia and Marybeth are on the finance committee. Arden steps down as finance committee chair. Anyone who wants a copy of the minutes can e mail Arden

Public Information: Liaison position is open. Wendy and Arden want more info before committing. Chair will contact Deborah for more information.

Tech Committee: (Deborah), she is in contact with Mary Joan, who is the interim technology chair, GSB is looking for a new technology chair. Made herself available to help register meetings. They are also compiling a list of GSR’s for the WSC committee. Prosperity forum (It’s a Google forum group, with 300 members) voted off the calendar by the GSB because they were not properly registered. Julie is the contact person for the prosperity forum. They are working to return group to the calendar.

World Service Prep Committee (PAM): Elected two chairs and a secretary (Arden). Pam and Clara are the co chairs. They need a new secretary. They meet the 2nd Sunday at 1:30pm eastern. Not sure if they will have a WSC this year. Everyone is welcome. Contact info: uawscprep<at>gmail.com

Old Business.

Nominations for the finance committee Liaison: Lela volunteers as Liaison.

Nominations for Public Information Liaison: No nomination. But the chair will connect Arden and Wendy with Deborah so they can get more information.

New business:

Marcia will cover for Mark at the next GSB meeting

No other motions were passed.


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