Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.
A motion first made and tabled at the March 2018 GSR Meeting was amended and passed unanimously at this May 2018 GSR Meeting.
GSR Committee Motion Regarding Important Topics for 2018 World Service Conference Agenda
(Passed: Yays 11, Nays 0, Abstentions 1)
The following are important fellowship-wide topics that the GSR Committee would like to see on the agenda of the 2018 World Service Conference:
- Clarification of the guidelines and roles of the GSR Committee, the General Service Board (GSB) and the World Service Conference, and their relationships with each other and the UA groups.
- Establishment of the duties and guidelines for all world service level committees, including their relationships with the GSR Committee, the GSB and the World Service Conference.
- Revision of the UA Concepts for World Service and Bylaws that were approved by the GSB in 2016, and subsequent voting on these items at the World Service Conference.
- Establishment of voting and procedural guidelines for the World Service Conference.
- Creation of UA meeting group registration guidelines; these guidelines will determine which meetings can be included on the UA Calendar.
- UA Treasury reallocation to increase the percentage of donations that are allocated for scholarships for GSR attendance at the World Service Conference; currently, 10% of the total donations to UA are allocated for the World Service Conference Scholarship Fund.
- Establishment of guidelines on listing documents on the UA Website so that the documents indicate whenever possible if they are Conference-Approved, Board-Approved, Committee-Approved or Meeting Group-Approved and the approval dates.
- Ratification of Suggested Requirements for the GSR Position, which were passed by the GSR Committee at its December 17, 2017 meeting.
- Creation of phone meeting security policy regarding disruptive callers.
A longer version of this motion with explanations was submitted by the makers of the motion and it is included below. Please note that the ninth bullet point was altered to include the preferred phrase “disruptive callers.”
GSR Committee Motion Regarding Important Topics for 2018 World Service Conference Agenda
Background Information: The GSRs are requested to take a survey to their groups and ask their members to vote on what they believe to be their top one to ten fellowship-wide topics of concern. The voting results of the groups will then be transmitted by their GSRs to the WSC Prep Committee. The below Motion Regarding Important Topics for 2018 World Service Conference Agenda is only to be brought to the groups for informational purposes; the groups are free to decide what are their top one to ten topics of concern. The due date for returning the survey to the World Service Conference Prep Committee is June 30, 2018.
The following are important fellowship-wide topics that the GSR Committee would like to see on the agenda of the 2018 World Service Conference. Please note that explanations of the topics and examples are in parentheses.
Clarification of the guidelines and roles of the GSR Committee, the General Service Board (GSB) and the World Service Conference, and their relationships with each other and the UA groups.
Establishment of the duties and guidelines for the UA Service Structure Committee, World Service Conference Prep Committee and the Finance Committee.
(These Committees need to have established duties and guidelines so that they will operate democratically and in accordance with the UA Traditions and so that their relationships with the Board, GSR Committee and the World Service Conference are clarified.)
Revision of the UA Concepts for World Service and Bylaws that were approved by the GSB in 2016, and subsequent voting on these items at the World Service Conference.
(For example, the UA Bylaws need to be revised so Board Trustees are nominated and elected by the World Service Conference and not by the Board. The Twelve Concepts of World Service are general guidelines for Twelve Step work on the world service level. The GSR Committee needs to be included in the UA Concepts for World Service as one of UA’s two primary leadership bodies at the world service level. Currently, only the Board is listed as a primary leadership body at the world service level.)
Establishment of voting and procedural guidelines for the World Service Conference.
Creation of UA meeting group registration guidelines; these guidelines will determine which meetings can be included on the UA Calendar.
(In the summer of 2017, the UA Board began to discuss possible new criteria for registering UA meeting groups. On August 20, 2017, the GSR Committee passed a motion that recommended that the General Service Board continue to allow “special focus groups” to be registered in UA and listed on the UA Website, as long as these meetings are open to all UA members to attend. (Examples of special focus groups are Spiritual Marketing for Coaches and Consultants Meeting, Writers in Recovery Meeting, Abundance and Prosperity in the Arts Meeting, and 50 + Meeting). The motion also recommended that the GSB wait to implement any changes in registration policy until the new policy guidelines are approved at the World Service Conference. The GSB then agreed that it wanted to wait on registration until new registration policy guidelines are approved at the World Service Conference.)
UA Treasury reallocation to increase the percentage of donations that are allocated for scholarships for GSR attendance at the World Service Conference; currently, 10% of the total donations to UA are allocated for the World Service Conference scholarship fund.
Establishment of guidelines on listing documents on the UA Website so that the documents indicate whenever possible if they are Conference-Approved, Board-Approved, Committee-Approved or Meeting Group-Approved and the approval dates.
Ratification of Suggested Requirements for the GSR Position, which were passed by the GSR Committee at its December 17, 2017 meeting.
Creation of phone meeting security policy regarding heckler disrupters.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark B. from New York
Chair of the GSR Committee of UA