The GSR Committee passed two motions this month.
1) Motion Recommending Guidelines for the World Service Conference Prep Committee
(Motion Passed: Yays 12, Nays 1, Abstentions 1)
To the General Service Board and the Chairs of the World Service Conference Prep Committee (also known as the “WSC Committee” or “WSC Prep Committee”):
On April 30, 2017, the GSR Committee created the World Service Conference Prep Committee. The WSC Prep Committee is a highly-sustainable Committee which has been operating throughout the year – it is composed of several hard-working members who have been meeting monthly beginning May 7, 2017, and it is taking diligent action to prepare the 2018 World Service Conference. The World Service Conference Prep Committee is still a GSR Committee, notwithstanding the GSB vote on December 17, 2017 to make the WSC Prep Committee a GSB Committee.
Therefore, the GSR Committee recommends the following guidelines regarding the World Service Conference Prep Committee, which are to be put into effect immediately. These guidelines are of key importance because they will create a neutral World Service Conference Prep Committee, which will begin to create unity in our fellowship due to the Committee’s impartiality and focus on our common welfare.
- The World Service Conference Prep Committee is autonomous from the General Service Board (GSB) and the GSR Committee; the WSC Prep Committee is to operate in a neutral manner – not being controlled by either the GSB or the GSR Committee.
- The WSC Prep Committee must make decisions by group conscience vote of its Committee Members and follow Robert’s Rules of Order. Its meetings are to be recorded.
- The WSC Prep Committee must have a Chairperson who is a GSR and is not also a Trustee of the General Service Board and is not also the Chairperson of the GSR Committee. These requirements also apply to Co-Chairpersons of the WSC Prep Committee. The WSC Prep Committee is to elect its Chairperson(s) by group conscience vote of its Committee members.
- GSR Committee members, GSB members and UA members-at-large may be members of this Committee.
- This Committee will have a liaison to the GSR Committee and a liaison to the GSB.
- Important decisions made by the WSC Prep Committee (for example, the date, venue, scholarships and agenda of the World Service Conference) must be approved by the GSR Committee and the GSB.
- The World Service Conference agenda must include the motions and other agenda items emailed to the WSC Prep Committee by the GSR Committee and the General Service Board, which are sent at least 30 calendar days before the World Service Conference.
2) Guiding Principles for UA Service Structure
(Motion Passed: Yays 11, Nays 0, Abstentions 1)
- Every UA member is to be treated with equality and respect.
- UA leadership is shared by the GSR Committee and the General Service Board (GSB).
- The GSR Committee has the Right of Decision.
- Policy decisions which impact the UA Fellowship as a whole are made at the World Service Conference. They are made by discussion and vote of all the GSRs and the GSB members at the Conference; the GSB is UA’s chief service arm – it carries out these policy decisions.
- Fellowship-wide policy decisions which need to be made prior to the World Service Conference need to be decided jointly by the GSR Committee and the GSB.
- UA Members “can’t be dictated to — individually or collectively.” “Trustees and staff members alike” can do “no more than make suggestions, and very mild ones at that.” (Tradition 9, AA 12 & 12, pp. 173 – 174).
Respectfully submitted,
Mark B. from New York
Chair of the GSR Committee of UA