Minutes of the GSR Committee 6/18/17

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.


Minutes of the GSR-Service Structure Committee meeting of Underearners Anonymous 6/18/17 1:30 to 3:00pm Eastern Time


The regular monthly meeting of the GSR SS Committee was called to order on June 18, 2017 at 1:30pm Eastern time by the chairman, Mark.

Serenity Prayer


Traditions Read by Peggy


Deborah volunteers to be the spiritual time keeper.


Roll Call:

Mark, Chairman of the GSR-Service Structure Committee, New York, The Bronx, seeds of prosperity meeting.

Unidentified, Daily Step & Tools 8:30am Eastern

Pam, Heart Felt prosperity step and tool meeting

Greg, Secretary, Thursday night Altadena meeting in Los Angeles

Roe, 5am southern hemisphere phone meeting actionmagic4@nullgmail.com

Clara, Under earning and Solvency, 7:15am

Rudy, Beyond six figures Wednesday meeting castro.rudy@nullgmail.com

Peggy, goals pages meeting

Marcia, Wednesday night Sherman Oaks 7pm words and action meeting.

Deborah, evening step and speaker meeting

Arden, Berkley California, Artists and Writer’s meeting

Steve, New York, intuition and clarity Sunday 12:15 phone meeting

Elea, noon Farmers Market in Los Angeles


Jerri 9:45 phone meeting step and tools

Zima, Berkley 8am Pacific Time beginners meeting on Sundays

Sean, 12:30 New York UA how



Approval of Minutes:

Minutes for the May meeting of the GSR-Service Structure Committee were amended as follows: 1) Arden was the Liaison, not the chair, to the finance committee.

2) In the GSB report Matt stated that some Fellows giving out information on workshops by individuals on phone or face to face meetings have been asked to stop. I added that Andrew, who was promoting workshops, was not asked to stop promoting them by anyone. Approval of the minutes as amended passes unanimously


World Service Prep Committee (PAM): Met with a GSB person and got clarity as to what they have to do. They have 2 co chairs, secretary and a communications director they are defining the role of each position. . Compiling a list of GSR’s. Volunteers needed, contact uawscprep@nullgmail.com. So far they don’t have a date or a place. Deadline to have a World Service Conference is fall 2018.


Literature Committee: No report because the Literature commitee meets tomorrow. No one volunteered as liaison.

Finance Committee: (Lela) will give report next month


Public Information: Liaison position is open. Arden will continue to do research on committee to see if she wants to be the liaison to it.


Tech Committee: (Deborah), No Chairman, so committee has not met. No report.


GSB Report: Marcia will report what happens today to them and visa versa.


Old Business.

Rudy is elected liaison to the Public Information Committee unanimously.

Lela is elected liaison to the finance committee.

Arden is elected provisional liaison to the Literature committee


New business:


Motion No. 1 – The Role and Duties of the GSR-Service Structure Committee Chair


The Chair of the GSR-Service Structure Committee will prepare the agenda and conduct the monthly business meetings of the GSR-SS Committee, and the Chair will also be a Chair on the UA General Service Board (GSB), provided that the GSB has voted approval of the Chair. The Chair will be the communication liaison between the GSR Service Structure Committee and the GSB. 11 in favor, 0 against, 3 abstentions. Motion passes unanimously.


Motion No. 2 – Creation and Duties of the GSR-Service Structure Committee vice Chair


The position of Vice-Chair of the GSR-Service Structure Committee will be created. The duties of the Vice Chair will be to substitute in for the Chair when the Chair cannot perform his/or her duties. 11 in favor, 0 against, 1 abstention. Motion passes unanimously.


Motion No. 3 – Qualifications of the GSR-Service Structure Committee Chair and Vice Chair

Recommended Requirements for GSR-Service Structure Committee Chair and Vice Chair:


  • Has completed UA’s 12 steps with a UA Sponsor who has done the same in UA.
  • Has a working knowledge of the UA 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts of World Service.
  • Has demonstrated a consistent commitment of service in UA at individual meeting levels or higher (e.g. GSR, committees, etc.).
  • Is currently a GSR.
  • Has one year solvency (solvency being self-defined).
  • Can attend GSB monthly meetings on the 4th Monday of the month at 8 pm Eastern Time and the monthly GSR-Service Structure Committee meetings on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm Eastern Time.
  • Be able to serve a one year term.
  • Has enough time to perform this service.

5 in favor, 5 against, 4 abstentions. Chair breaks the tie by voting against the motion. Motion fails.





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