Minutes of the GSR Committee 8/20/2017

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.


Minutes of the GSR Committee of Underearners Anonymous 8/20/2017 1:30 to 3:00p Eastern Time

The regular monthly meeting of the GSR Committee was called to order on September
19, 2017 at 1:30pm Eastern time by the chairman, Mark.

Serenity Prayer

12 traditions read by Peggy

Vladimir volunteers to be the spiritual time keeper.

Roll Call:

  • Mark B, Chairman of the GSR-Service Structure Committee, New York, The Bronx, seeds of prosperity meeting.
    Arden, Berkley California, Writer's in recovery meeting Tuesday 7:15
    Peggy, Goals Pages meeting Friday
    Jeri 9:45 step and tools meeting mainline
    Suzette 55 plus meeting Maryland
    Linda, Chicago prosperous travel vision meeting Saturdays 12:15 and Mondays at 4:15
    Shari L. in Connecticut Saturday and Sunday Prosperous Possession, consciousness meeting
    Geraldine, 6pm London
    Olga, Trading and investing meeting, New york, fridays at 4:15
    Vladimir, Paris, France, Hiding and biting to shining and recieving meeting, 11pm eastern time
    Jazz Montreal 6am sewing with serenity meeting
    Sean, UA arts
    Clara 7:15 am under earning and solvency
    Julie, UA prosperity Meeting
    Klinga, Texas, 11am Television meeting
    Rudy, Los Angeles, beyond six figures, Wednesday night.
    Unidentified, Winipeg face to face group
    Kerri representing the tuesday possession consciousness meeting
    Fred Santa Cruz face to face
    Joe, New York Sewing with Serenity meeting 11am Monday
    Daphne, representing no meeting
    Deborah, evening step and speaker meeting in Los Angeles
    Janet, daily steps and tools meeting
    Greg, Secretary, Thursday night Altadena meeting in Los Angeles
    Debbie, representing newcomers
    Andrew representing himself
    Denis LA
  • Avi, Wednesday healing the inner child meeting
    Steve, intuition and clarity meeting
    Kate from Washington state, Saturday and Sunday prosperous possession consciousness
    unidentified, Los Angeles
    Linda from Washington,
    Clara, under earning and solvency 11:15am daily
    Bonnie from Arizona
    Unidentified from Las Vegas
    Deborah, Seattle
    Lela, Austin Texas, face to face 5pm meeting Sunday
    Janet, Southern California
    Pam, heartfelt prosperity meeting, steps and tools 8:30 everyday
    Zima, Berkley 8am Pacific Time beginners meeting on Sundays

Approval of Minutes:
Changes to the minutes: Under The GSB report all references made to Mark’s title were
changed from “Chair” except for the last sentence which now states that “Mark is
Ok with not being the Liaison to the GSB and electing a new liaison, but not electing a new
Motion Number 2 was changed to read “We reiterate that the creation of this GSR committee
and its independence from the General Service Board and Service Structure committee was
unanimously voted upon at the 2016 World Service Conference”

Minutes approved with one abstention

Committee Reports:

  • World Service Prep Committee (Pam): Updating GSR contact list. Passed a motion to post
    meeting date on the calendar. Working on letter for GSR's with info on WSC. Working on a list
    of actions and calendar for WSC. Meet on the second Sunday @ 1:30am Eastern for 75 minutes.
    For more info uawscprep@nullgmail.com
  • Literature Committee : (Pam) Meets 3rd Monday of every month at 5:00 pm. Continue to work
    on sponsorship pamphlet
  • Finance Committee: (Lela). Did not meet this month. Now they meet on the 4th Sunday of
    every month at 3pm Eastern. Question as to why a Liaisons had to report to both the GSB and
    the GSR committee? Answer is we are looking for clarity as to GSB finances. We have a chair in
    each committee. New people welcome.
  • Public Information: (Rudy). First PI committee meeting. Five people present. They are in the
    process of creating an agenda. What is the purpose of PI? Need more members. They meet the
    3rd Wednesday at 4:30 to 5:30pm eastern time. Call to members with marketing experience to
    join up, anyone is welcome though.
  • Phone/Tech Committee: (Deborah). Special focus groups discussed briefly at July GSB meeting.
    They will discuss it more in the August board meeting. At the june meeting GSB chairman stated
    that a meeting did not comply with the traditions because they were promoting outside issues.
    There is a motion requesting more information from the GSB.

Old Business.
Steve reelected liaison to Service Structure Committee with Suzette as backup unamonously.

New business:

Motion to Recommend that the General Service Board Continue to
Allow Special Focus Groups to be Registered as UA Groups and that the General
Service Board Wait to Implement Policy Changes Regarding Meeting Group
Registration Until These Changes Have Been Approved by the World Service

Pursuant to Tradition 4, the GSR Committee recommends that the General Service
Board continues to allow "special focus groups" to be registered in UA and listed on the UA Website, as long as these meetings are open to all UA members to attend.
(Examples of special focus groups are Selling with Serenity Meeting, Spiritual
Marketing for Coaches and Consultants Meeting, Writers in Recovery Meeting,
Musicians and Prosperity in the Arts Meeting, and 50 + Meeting). If the GSB would
like there to be policy changes to existing meeting registration policy, we recommend
that the GSB wait to implement these policy changes on registration until the new
policy guidelines are approved by full discussion and vote at the World Service
Conference, so there is full participation by the UA Fellowship.

Pursuant to UA Proposed Concepts of World Service 1, 2 and 12 and AA Concepts of World Service 1,2 and 12, the World Service Conference is authorized to make policy decisions via
discussion and vote, and the General Service Board is only authorized to administer
these policy decisions . The GSR members and GSB members are the members who
are entitled to discuss and vote on policy matters at the World Service Conference.
We request that the GSB circulate new proposed policy guidelines on the UA website
regarding registration policy no later than 3 months before the WSC.
yays 17 nays 4 abstention 3

Motion passes
Motion to extend meeting five meetings
motion passes with 3 nays


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