Literature Committee Minutes, December 5, 2013

In Attendance:

  • Danny, Eric (acting chair), Gwyn, Mark, Phyllis (secretary), Shari Lynn; Bella (part of meeting only)


1. November 7 Meeting

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as amended.

2. Officers

  • Phyllis was elected secretary.
  • The Tech committee needs to gain control of the website content before we can make meaningful progress on this.

3. Audio Recordings

  • Mark will speak to Peter to talk about standards for literature committee
    Approving content—we would probably approve unless content is really inappropriate.
  • Mark will see if he can send his report on audio to everyone.
  • Shari Lynn suggested adding recording for BUA.

4. Existing Literature

  • No actions will be taken on existing literature at this time.

5. New Literature

  • UA and artists—Danny L.
    • Danny reported that his committee in LA completed a rough draft, and will edit it for length, and send out to everyone in two weeks, and we can discuss at next meeting.
    • He will also send a draft out to old timers in the fellowship to get their input, and bring their feedback to the drafting committee.
  • Business UA
    • Eric will draft a pamphlet on creating a startup while in UA and bring it back to the committee.
    • Shari Lynn will discuss with Eric.
  • Are You an Underearner?—Gwyn
    • Send additional suggestions for symptoms to Gwyn.
  • UA Promises—Mark
    • We looked at NYC meeting vision statement. Gwyn suggests that we write a broader vision statement, describing what your life will be like after you’ve worked the 12 steps, a statement of UA promises. Mark suggested taking notes on the Sustainable Prosperity talk of Matt from LA. Bella said that there might be a problem using that material. He is interested in working on this.
  • Service—Peter
    • Peter will incorporate comments that were made on the draft and circulate revised draft
  • Book of Recovery Stories—Shari Lynn
    • Shari Lynn has not heard back from Devon.

5. Next Meeting

The next meeting will again be the first Thursday, January 2, 9:00-10:00pm Eastern (8:00pm Central, 6:00pm Pacific).

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