Minutes of the GSR Committee 9/16/2018

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.

Minutes of the GSR Committee 9/16/2018

Chair: Mark B.

Secretary: Lela


Open with the serenity prayer


Mair- reads the 12 traditions


Spiritual Time Keeper- Alexander



Andrew NY Intergroup


Henna Susha

Alexander Hollywood

Shawn UA arts in NY

Arden Berkeley, CA Writers in Recovery Randy San Fran

Neil 50 +

Linda in Chicago

George in Chicago, Hiding and Biting 1:30 Randy Wednesday PM Prosperity 7pm

George Tampa 12 prosperity

Brandy N. CA


Daphne Leah


Graciela am selling with Serenity


Lela Austin Tx UA 5pm, face to face

Debora Step and Speaker

Tanika Thursday, 6 Figures and Beyond




Wendy in LA



Lela reads the minutes

Graciela makes a motion to accept the minutes

Approved by acclamation

(with one change, Linda in Chicago to Linda in WA for 2nd a motion).






Motion to Establish Guidelines to Register a UA Group


Mark- sent out change a copy of the motion- one of the original version,

and one of the ad hoc committee version. He said he didn’t understand why it

didn’t pass,


Shall we look at the things that we all agree on?



Graciela – starts to read the motion.


  1. The group has two or more members who are gathered together to recover from underearning.
  2. The meeting is open to all UA members.
  3. The group has no outside affiliation. Therefore, a joint group of UA and another 12 Step fellowship will not be registered as a UA Group. Also, a group cannot be affiliated with any sect, religion, organization, corporation or institution.
  4. A group contact person is required for the initial registration. The contact person will provide their first name and last initial, email address, and phone number to the UA General Service Office (GSO).
  5. The group agrees to update with the UA GSO its meeting location, date/time, and meeting phone information any time there is a change in this information.




Following are the requirements to register a UA Group. Registered groups are placed on the UA Website Meeting Calendar.



Graciela 2nd’s the motion.




Randy- MAKES A MOTION TO ACCEPT #1-5, on the version that Mark sent out.

Alexander Seconds the MOTION


Graciela- Lets vote, it’s only relevant to pass

the motion.


Arden- can we call this to a vote with yeahs and nays?

Mark- yes


Mark- Calls vote to approve #1-5

Motion for 21 against 0 Abstain 3




Jason- Seconds



These are additional group registration guidelines:

  1. The GSO will keep the group contact person’s information confidential. If the contact person would like his/her email address to be placed on the UA website, he/she will notify the Calendar Keeper.
  2. After a group has registered, if it no longer has a contact person, it still may continue to be registered, but it is best for the group to have a contact person, so that the GSO can communicate with the group.
  3. It is suggested, but not required, that groups include in their meeting formats reading of the UA Steps and Traditions. Per the 4th Tradition, the group’s meeting format is a group conscience decision, so meeting formats may vary.
  4. The following types of Meeting Groups may register if they meet the above requirements:
  • Virtual meeting groups. (Examples are phone meetings, on-line email/forum meetings, and Skype meetings).
  • Special focus groups. (Examples are the Spiritual Marketing for Coaches and Consultants Meeting, Musicians and Prosperity in the Arts, and Prosperous Possession Consciousness Meeting.)
  • “Pop-up” phone meeting groups. (A pop-up phone meeting does not have a regularly-scheduled moderator, so UA members show up for the meeting and spontaneously find a volunteer moderator).
  1. UA will provide a user-friendly process to register groups.
  2. The effective date for these requirements and guidelines is October 28, 2018, the last day of the World Service Conference. Groups will have until December 31, 2019 to register or re-register










Deborah- WS Prep Committee- We prepared 2 registration packets- one for

phone and one for in person- if you don’t have it, you’ll be getting,

today and tomorrow. The due date is October 1. Scholarship- 24 qualified



As a result, yesterday

the Board voted to add another $6762 to our scholarship fund. The Board

authorized us to re-open scholarship application process until September

  1. We can award 6 scholarships to those who commute to the Mary and

Joseph retreat center, as well. The Mary and Joseph retreat center is now

filled. S The conference will be from 2:30 on Thursday to Sunday at 2pm.

Fellowship night is from 7-10 pm.


Alexander- One of the members of his group asked if there will there be

any UA meetings UA members can attend?


Debora- Fellowship night is for UA members at large. The rest of the

conference will have to pay a day rate. They will have to register. Debora

can provide that information. They will have a separate registration


Meeting Support Sub Committee

Shari Lynn is not here.

Please email ShariLynn ( chair of the meeting support sub committee) or

Mark about harassment and report it.


Jason- Chair of the Service Structure Development Sub Committee Report:

Mark- will you give a report as introduction to the motions coming up in a

Minute? See New Business.



Shawn- Would like to make a motion that the GSR Committee perform a self

assessment for the UA WSC answering these 4 questions as a group

  1. Is there a problem in the general service board?
  2. If there is a problem relating to the UA GSB, What are the CONSTRUCTIVE


  1. Is the GSR Committee necessary within the GSB structure?
  2. If the GSR Committee is necessary within, what are duties and



Mark suggests we meet we meet October 21st.

Debora- the committee meets on the 21

Shawn- 3 Sundays in OCT meet on the 2nd Sunday , OCT 21 meet for group


Upon personal reflection Shawn is willing to withdraw this motion. He will

leave it to the chair to decide what to do. He won’t vote yay or nay,

but he will comment as a member of UA. To participate, but not vote. He

withdraws this motion, and leaves it up to Mark what to do.

Mark- Why don’t we honor the spirit of what Shawn has brought to the group

and move on.




Gregg: Service Structure Committee


Vision Statement


The Vision of the Service Structure Committee is that a UA World

Service Group that defines the structure by which our service positions

and group support our primary purpose which is to carry the message to the

under earner that still suffers’.


Finance Committee- Lela.

We did not meet. Leah’s service term is up at

the WSC. There are only 2 of us on the committee. Would anyone like to

join this committee?


Mark- Yes, there are GSB Committees the GSR’s can join. Please consider

serving on those committees before and after the WSC.



Jason- will read motion the service structure committee passes, he is

looking it up.

Jason- explains the basic service structure of UA.

We need to put together a more democratic service structure. What

does the GSR Committee do? This is what this motion is about. He drafted

the original motion. He is not to happy about taking out the teeth of this

motion, and it prevents the post of power. We need to develop a service

structure that is democratic and prevents the abuse of power. He

personally would like to see the teeth put back into it.

The upside down triangle is a way to correct it.


Mark says he would like to see it voted on in 2 motions. Why don’t we tackle

the 1st motion as a compromise?





Motion to Establish the Role and Guidelines of the GSR Committee

and Its Relationship to the General Service Board, World Service Conference and the UA Groups

(The GSR Committee Recommends This Motion for the WSC 2018 Agenda)

The Role of the GSR Committee

The Upside Down Triangle is the basic model for UA’s Service Structure. The GSR Committee plays a primary role in UA’s Upside Down Triangle. It derives its position as such from its GSRs who are the elected representatives of their groups. It has the power to speak and act on behalf of the members of UA. It also brings important information about UA to their groups. It is the voice and the ears of the UA members worldwide. The GSR Committee has no other authority than the groups they represent and Higher Power.

Guidelines of the GSR Committee

  1. The GSR Committee will meet regularly – at least once a month for 90 minutes and follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
  2. The GSR Committee may create committees or subcommittees which will serve UA as a whole.
  3. The GSR Committee meets once every one or two years with the General Service Board at the World Service Conference (WSC). It also may meet with the General Service Board between World Service Conferences.
  4. The GSR Committee may not force any UA group to do anything. It may only make suggestions or recommendations.
  5. Only GSRs may vote at GSR Committee meetings and at its Subcommittee meetings.
  6. The GSR Committee reports and minutes will be posted on the UA Website.
  7. The Relationship of the GSR Committee to the GSB. The GSR Committee is an entity independent from the General Service Board (GSB). It will seek to have a collaborative relationship with the GSB and will prepare and give oral reports at the GSB meetings to facilitate communication between these two key entities in UA’s Service Structure.
  8. The Responsibilities of the GSR Committee are as follows:

(a) The GSR Committee will bring the following to the WSC:

  • Conference topics.
  • Motions on important matters which affect UA as a whole to be discussed and voted on.

(b) Educate GSRs on their responsibilities and prepare them for the World Service Conference.

(c)       Provide support to meeting groups.

(d) Encourage GSRs to participate in standing committees and subcommittees.

  1. The Chairperson


The Chair of the GSR Committee will prepare the agenda and conduct the monthly business meetings of the GSR Committee; send out the monthly meeting agenda, minutes and meeting reminder notices; communicate closely with the Subcommittee chairs; prepare GSR Committee monthly reports and see that they are posted on the UA Website; and give oral reports at the GSB meetings.


Selection of the Chairperson

The Chairperson is elected by the GSR Committee. These are the recommended qualifications for the GSR Chair:

  • Has completed UA’s 12 Steps and continues to work the Steps with a UA Sponsor who has done the same in UA.
  • Has a working knowledge of the UA 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts of World Service, when they have been passed by the World Service Conference.
  • Has demonstrated a consistent commitment of service in UA at individual meeting levels or higher (e.g. GSR, business chair, committee member, etc.).
  • Is currently a GSR.
  • Has six months solvency (solvency being self-defined).
  • Can attend monthly GSR Committee meetings and GSB monthly meetings.
  • Is able to serve a one-year term.
  • Has sufficient time to perform this service. (Approximately 10 to 12 hours per month.)
  • Has leadership qualities.



Alexander moves we extend the meeting by 10 minutes Arden 2nd’s

1 opposes

3 for






Lela- Does the GSR Committee have a vote at the GSB Meeting?

Mark- no, it isn’t addressed and we do not have a voice at the GSB


Jason- would like to read the parts that were taken out.

Mark says read it quickly.





Randy- point of order, we don’t need discussion on what we aren’t

voting on today. Mark-agreed. Lets vote on this for now.



Mark responds to question from Mair –GSB wanted to choose the Chair of this meeting- explains we broke away from the

GSB, because we weren’t recognized. This led to the whole year floating

in space.


Shawn- He was a GSR at the 2016 WSC and he voted for the SS Comm and the

GSR Comm. to come into place. He was also a GSR when it voted to move away

from the Service Structure of UA. The way this is written, it does not

solve the problem. He would encourage all GSR’s to read what is says-

the way it is written, the subcommittee will be outside the upside down

triangle. He would like to ask people to read it, discuss it more.

Arden- Would like to read Jason’s writing- with the teeth in. Because we

are out of time, and because of the importance of this information that

was left out, she would really like to table this motion and read it.



Arden votes to table, Randy Seconds it.





Mark will send an email in regards to October GSR best meeting time, the

7th or the14th, please write back.

Close with the WE version of the serenity prayer.


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