Minutes of the GSR Committee 10/15/2017

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.


Minutes of the GSR Committee of Underearners Anonymous 10/15/2017 1:30 to 3:00pm Eastern Time


The regular monthly meeting of the GSR Committee was called to order on September 19, 2017 at 1:30pm Eastern time by the chairman, Mark.


Serenity Prayer


12 traditions read by Arden


Anna volunteers to be the spiritual time keeper.


Roll Call:


Mark B., Chairman of the GSR-Service Structure Committee, New York, The Bronx, seeds of prosperity meeting.

Shari L. in Connecticut Saturday and Sunday Prosperous Possession, consciousness meeting

Arden, Berkley California, Writers in recovery meeting Tuesday 7:15

Anna B in Montreal, Sewing with serenity meeting 6am.

Fred Santa Cruz face to face

Linda, Chicago prosperous travel vision meeting Saturdays 12:15 and Mondays at 4:15

Fey, Tel Aviv Face to face meeting in Israel.

Joe, New York Sewing with Serenity meeting 11am Monday

Pam, heartfelt prosperity meeting, steps and tools

Zima, Berkley 8am Pacific Time beginners meeting on Sundays

Marcia, Los Angeles, Wednesdays Night words and actions meeting.

Greg, Secretary, Thursday night Altadena meeting in Los Angeles

Deborah, evening step and speaker meeting in Los Angeles

Lela, Austin Texas, face to face 5pm meeting Sunday

Sean, UA arts

Julie, UA prosparity Meeting

Peggy, Goals Pages meeting

Elia, Saturday Farmers market meeting

Clara 7:15 am underearning and solvancy

Suzane from Southern California


Approval of Minutes:

Minutes were approved unanimously.


Committee Reports:


World Service Prep Committee (Pam): Working on Calandar. They need a secretary. A call to the fellowship for suggestions for a Venue which can be submitted on the website. Deadline will be October 31. Will be working on the vision statement for WSC. Meet on the second Sunday @ 11:30am Eastern for 75 minutes. For more info uawscprep@nullgmail.com


Service Structure committee (Debera) Clara elected as Chair.


Literature Committee : (Pam) Meets 3rd Monday of every month at 5:00 pm. Continue to work on sponsorship pamphlet.


Finance Committee: (Lela). Now they meet on the 4th Sunday of every month at 3pm Eastern. They hired a bookkeeper/office worker for ten hours a month at $25.00 a month. Researching the scanning of checks. They will look into what other fellowships do with check donnations. Working on writing a US service manual to show how to set up finances. Working on a texting donation app. New people welcome.


Public Information: (Debera). Need more members. They meet the 3rd Wednesday at 7:30pm eastern time.

(563)-999-1053 Access code: 333248#


Phone/Tech Committee: (Deborah). The guidelines for approving a meeting for the meeting list will be determined in the WSC. New program to produce the registration form. New E mail system and newsletter. A professional will work on that this month. Alison is getting a quote to redo our website.


Old Business.


Motion – Website Calendar Listings Removal Policy

(Passed. 15 Yays; 3 Abstentions; 0 Nays)


The GSR Committee recommends, in accordance with Traditions One and Two and Concept of World Service 12, that the Calendar Keeper notify in writing the person or committee listed on the meeting or event in the UA Calendar before removing the meeting or event from the UA Calendar. The notice needs to include in writing the specific reason or reasons why the meeting or event was removed from the UA Calendar. We recommend that the GSB give the opportunity to correct the event announcement, meeting notice or meeting format so that it complies with the UA Traditions/Policies. We recommend that the Calendar Keeper give 60 days notice to the person or committee before removing the event or meeting from the UA Calendar.


Motion– Content of UA Events and Events Calendar Announcements: Compliance with UA Traditions Policy

(Passed. 13 Yays; 4 Abstentions; 0 Nays)


Following is a list of recommended requirements for UA Events and their announcements. All events that comply with these requirements should be listed on the UA Events Calendar.

(1)  The content of events should be UA-related. The definition of UA-Related Content is: The content should be related to UA conference-approved literature, the UA symptoms, recovery from the UA symptoms, the UA tools, the UA Steps, Traditions, or Concepts. If any published materials are used, they should be UA Conference-approved.

(2)  In order to foster the 12th Tradition principle of “Principles before Personalities,” a UA event should feature more than one speaker if it is over 90 minutes in length.

(3) If announcements of the event are placed on the UA Events Calendar, only first names and last initials of the speakers may be listed. With the permission of the speaker, his or her position in UA may also be listed (e.g. World Service Prep Committee Chair, UA Co-founder, or Intergroup Chair).

(4) The event must be open to all UA members to attend.



New business:










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