In attendance:
- Greg G. (acting secretary), Joshua, Peter S. (chair), and Russ C. (new member)
1. Orientation Packet
- It was agreed that the committee would benefit from having an orientation packet for new committee members.
2. Preparation for 2016 WSC
- The Literature Committee’s outstanding proposals from the 2014 World Service Conference are 1, 2, 8, 9—see
- The theme of this year’s Conference is “Service.” The current draft of the Service pamphlet is here:
3. Vision of Earning Wellness & Wholeness
- Reviewing the GSB’s suggested changes, it was the unanimous consensus of the committee that:
- the repeated references to Higher Power water down the meaning of the text in unintended ways;
- the list is UA’s equivalent of the AA Promises;
- the following affirmations be worded thus:
- 6) We choose actions and commitments that serve our needs and contribute to our prosperity, in accordance with our Higher Power’s will for us.
- 8) We embrace working with others whenever having co-workers, associates or employees serves.
- 9) We experience the physical vitality and health that supports our self-expression and expansion.
- The introduction will be discussed at the next meeting.
Action Items
- Ahead of next month’s meeting,
- Joshua and Russ will create a first draft of an orientation packet.
- All committee members will:
- Go over the four proposals, and come back with feedback and suggestions by email.
- Go over the current draft of the Service pamphlet.
- Review the introduction to the Vision of Earning Wellness & Wholeness.
- Peter will investigate making the next call a videoconference.
Next Meeting
- The next meeting is Sunday, August 21, 7:00-8:00pm EST.