Literature Committee Meeting Minutes, January 17, 2016
In Attendance
- Peter S (chair), Shakira, Shari Lynn, Wendy
- Farrah has gone on sabbatical for the next few months
1. “Accountability Teams”
- Peter will recirculate the current draft to the committee, for review and posting alongside the ProsperiTeam materials.
2. “ProsperiTeam” Package
- The committee has finished reviewing the ProsperiTeam materials, and is ready to circulate them to the fellowship.
- Given the limited attendance at this meeting, Peter will double check with absent members that no further changes are required before distribution.
- The package will be added to the 9th Tradition site, and circulated to the fellowship via the email groups.
- The committee will submit a proposal to the GSB to add them to the main UA website, along with the “Accountability Teams” overview.
3. Literature Committee Proposals
- The GSB has reiterated that literature and revising the web site are their top priorities (along with the World Service Conference), but have not yet responded to any of our proposals.
4. Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be on the third Sunday on the month, February 21, 7:00-8:00pm Eastern (6:00pm Central, 4:00pm Pacific), on the conference bridge (712) 432-1500 # 706291.
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