In Attendance:
- Farrah N, Joshua, Nick B, Peter S, Shakira, Shari Lynn, Wendy C
- New Literature
- ProsperiTeam materials
- The literature committee will review the materials only at a high level, holding off detailed review while the subcommittee goes through the documents and the overall structure becomes clear.
- It was agreed that an equivalent term for abstinence/solvency in UA needed discussion at a broader level than the literature committee; for the time being, we will use the term “recovery.”
- Wendy will circulate the “quality of life” metrics.
- Farrah will draft a one pager for accountability teams in general.
- Spiritual guide to job search
- Joshua will distribute his draft.
- Action partner format
- Shari Lynn will redistribute the draft format.
- UA Website
- The joint meeting with the GSB is still pending.
- For discussion purposes, Peter will include a section on the test website to make specific meeting formats easy to find. (It is hard to quickly find them in the calendar; there was no agreement on the call on how to approach this problem.)
- Existing Literature
- “Underearning and Our Thinking”
- (No discussion: the committee will review the remainder of Joshua’s suggestions in future.)
- Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be on the third Sunday on the month, November 15, 7:00-8:00pm Eastern (6:00pm Central, 4:00pm Pacific), on the conference bridge (712) 432-1500 # 706291.