In Attendance
- Farrah, Joshua, Peter S, Shakira, Wendy C
(Note that there was no committee meeting in August, due to a problem with the conference line.)
- New Literature
- ProsperiTeam materials
- The committee gave high level feedback on the first four documents.
- The ProsperiTeam subcommittee will continue working on the individual documents that support the program.
- Spiritual guide to job search
- (No discussion.)
- ProsperiTeam materials
- UA Website
- As noted before, the GSB wants to hold a call with the Literature Committee to discuss the process for approving literature and the committee’s proposals; date and time TBD. Farrah likely cannot attend.
- Peter has created a straw man mockup of the UA site, so proposed changes to the Literature section can be reviewed and discussed:
- Peter will revise the main Literature page to include short descriptions of each type of literature, and a link to that section.
- As noted before, the GSB wants to hold a call with the Literature Committee to discuss the process for approving literature and the committee’s proposals; date and time TBD. Farrah likely cannot attend.
- Existing Literature
- “Underearning and Our Thinking”
- (No discussion: the committee will review the remainder of Joshua’s suggestions next month.)
- “Underearning and Our Thinking”
- Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be on the third Sunday on the month, October 18, 7:00-8:00pm Eastern (6:00pm Central, 4:00pm Pacific), on the conference bridge (712) 432-1500 # 706291.