Updated Agenda for May 20 GSB Meeting


FOR MAY 20, 2014



Opening (20 minutes):

·         Serenity Prayer (“We” version)

·         Chair opening statements

·         Request for timekeeper

·         Reading of the Traditions

·         Roll-call

o   Officers and committee chairs

o   GSR’s (name and meeting)

  • Reading of secretary’s minutes

·         Treasurer’s report


Committee Reports

(6 min./report, 4 min./Q&A, alpha. by comm., extra time for WSCC):

·         Finance Committee

·         Literature

·         Phone and Technology

·         Public Information

·         Service Structure

·         World Service Conference Committee (WSCC):

15-20 minutes, including updates on the 2014 WSC&C


Old Business




New Business

  • A proposal to offer discounted tickets for GSB officers and committee chairs, as follows:

o   50% reduction on current prices for 5 days for GSB officers- discount may apply to single rooms

o   50% reduction on current prices for business section only- 3 days – for Committee Chairs- shared room only

  • The first of a series of proposals for service requirements for GSB officers, starting with the treasurer.  The treasurer must have
  • Done all 12 Steps in UA with a UA sponsor.  Doing the steps in a step study group doesn’t count.
  • Participated in the program for at least two years
  • Done some kind of UA service previously (e.g. chaired a meeting, kept time, etc.)
  • Maintained at least one year of solvency, defined as

o   Not bouncing checks

o   Not using credit cards

o   Not taking underearning work, i.e. work that does not meet their basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter

o   Avoiding unsecured debt

o   Paying bills on time

o   Not taking services without paying for them

  • An appropriation for $480 for the food/lodging cost of an outside speaker who would do workshops on
  • The difference between a group and an organisation- the key to understanding why we do not govern-what does ‘govern’ mean.
  • Group and Collective Conscience- why they are important, what mean.Understanding ‘Positionality’ and its consequences.
  • 3rd legacy of Service- the 12 concepts of world service-  an introduction
  • The inverted pyramid and its consequences-the importance of the GSR.
  • That the GSB explore the possibility of obtaining an outside worker to draft a service structure manual for our fellowship


For Discussion (time permitting)

  •  UA Facebook page
  •  TBD


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