Tuesday, May 20, 2014
VIA TELEPHONE (712) 775-7100
The meeting opened at 5:00 PM Pacific Time (8:00 PM Eastern Time) with the Serenity Prayer. Matt B. volunteered to keep time. Susan H. read the Traditions.
Roll Call
- Tamyah, Chair
- Matt, Vice Chair
- Ed W., Secretary
- Andrew D., Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
- Bella, world service committee
- Andrew D., finance committee
General Service Representatives:
- Julian, Monday night last gaspers
- Ed W., Wednesday afternoon meeting in lower Manhattan
- Mike M., Saturday 11:30 AM meeting at the LGBT Center in New York City
- Julie, Bronx Saturday morning
- Toni T., Saturday 8 PM meeting in San Francisco
- Susan H., Sunday LA Farmer’s Market
- Karen B.
- Nancy T., Mile High Prosperity
- Susan C., Sunday Arts
- Mindy, Altadena
- Aviva, Wednesday, Upper West Side
- David, Arizona, Beyond 6 Figures
- Faye, Israel
- Norm B., Wednesday Hancock Park meeting in LA
- Frannie, Travel Visions
- Karen P., 8:30 phone meeting, main line (interim)
- Chris, 7:15 AM Underearning and Solvency Meeting, Baltimore
Secretary’s Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as read.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was also posted on the Google Group, and can be summarized as follows:
UA GSB Account | |
Prior Balance | $8,782.35 |
Expenses: | |
$80.00 |
$2,957.00 |
Income: | $988.34 |
Current Balance | $6,733.69 |
UA GSB Account | |
Prior Balance | $5,443.00 |
Expenses: | |
$390.00 |
$5,443.00 |
Income: | $2,674.00 |
Current Balance | $2,284.00 |
- The total due the retreat center was $8400, which is the sum of the payments from the two accounts.
- The current total in both accounts is $8917.72
Finance Committee: (presented by Andrew D., as finance committee chair):
The finance committee is continuing to update a proposed spending plan for the UA GSB.
There is continuing discussion about a co-signer for the USB bank accounts. They are considering whether this co-signer should have the formal office of Assistant Treasurer, and, if so, what solvency, service, and step work requirements should be made for this office.
The committee meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 PM Eastern Time, except when the 3rd Monday of the month follows the GSB meeting.
Literature (no report):
Phone and Technology (presented by Linda H, as requested by the Chair, Mary Joan, who is traveling):
They are transferring meeting registration forms to the NinthTradition.org site (9thTradition.org will also work).
The phone meeting moderator training document is still being edited, and should be completed in June. An electronic copy can be obtained by sending email to carrythismessage@nullgmail.com.
They have set up a working group to gather requirements for enhancement of both the main UA website and 9thTradition.org, which is intended to be repository of service documents.
They need more people, so they are drafting an announcement calling for more participants. In particular, they need help with the moderator training work and with the website.
Their meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of the month, at 1 PM Pacific Time (4 PM Eastern Time)
There is continuing concern about whether the various meetings are, in fact, adhering to the Steps and Traditions.
Public Information Committee (presented by Mindy):
Given that Sonia no longer has access to the Google Group, it is difficult for the committee to conduct business. Tamyah said that, if Sonia contacted her, she would be re-instated.
Service Structure Committee (presented by Chris, as requested by the Chair, Janis, had a death in her family):
There was no meeting this month.
World Service Conference Committee (WSCC) (presented by Bella, Chair):
Although stipends have all been allocated, final payment has not been made in all cases. Since this may indicate that groups may not be able to raise the remainder of the ticket cost, there is the possibility that stipends will need to be re-allocated. Additional GSR’s are therefore encouraged to apply. The deadline for 6/15.
The WSCC had previously requested the following information from all committee chairs:
- A brief statement of what the committee does
- What officer positions exist (Chair, Secretary, etc.)
- Whether the current officers plan to continue in their positions, or, if they do plan to step down, what plans for training for the new officers has been made
- What motions relevant to that committee were passed at last year’s WSC
- Progress/challenges in implementing these motions
- What motions would the committee like to propose at this year’s WSC
- How to join the committee both before and during the WSC
The WSCC had also requested that the GSR’s send email to her regarding the concerns of their groups.
The WSCC was advised by AA World Service Conference planners that the financial planning for the WSC be done more than one year in advance.
The WSCC would like to separate the bank account for the WSC from the main GSB account, so there is no commingling of funds between WSC and non-WSC payments.
Old Business
(There was no old business)
New Business
That discounted tickets be offered to active GSB officers and committee chairs, given the need at the conference for their services, as follows:
- 50% reduction on current prices for 5 days for GSB officers- discount may apply to single rooms
- 50% reduction on current prices for business section only- 3 days – for Committee Chairs- shared room only
The motion was passed, with 12 “yea” votes, 3 “nay” votes, and 2 abstentions.
The request for appropriating $480 for an outside speaker about various aspects of Service was withdrawn.
The proposal regarding service requirements for the treasurer was tabled to the next meeting by a unanimous vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 PM Pacific Time (10:11 PM Eastern Time)
Respectfully submitted,
Ed W.
Secretary, General Service Board of UA