UA GSR Committee October 21, 2018 Meeting Report

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.


UA GSR Committee October 21, 2018 Meeting Report

Two motions were brought to the floor at this final October 21, 2018 GSR Meeting before the World Service Conference. Note: this is the second GSR Committee meeting in October 2018.


Motion to Immediately Request Correction of  the UA Website “LASTING MOTIONS PASSED AT UA WORLD SERVICE CONFERENCE 2016″

(Passsed unanimously with 2 abstentions.)


For the sake of factual information and clarity we respectfully request immediate removal of the parenthetical phrase “ [a subcommittee of the GSB Service Structure Committee] “



5) Create a GSR Committee [a subcommittee of the GSB Service Structure Committee] with the mission to meet monthly in a phone meeting of 1 and 1/2 hours, following Robert’s Rules, to address issues and facilitate communication and action



to restore this to original language that was voted in at the 2016 World Service Conference:


5) Create a GSR Committee with the mission to meet monthly in a phone meeting of 1 and 1/2 hours, following Robert’s Rules, to address issues and facilitate communication and action.



Motion to create a Preface to the UA By-Laws (Motion by Neil, Seconded by Jason)

Passed 9 yea-0 opposed -2 abstentions

The General Service Board (GSB) of Underearners Anonymous is an advisory (not a governing) body, and its members shall be elected by General Service Representatives (GSRs) and other voting members at the World Service Conference (WSC). The GSB shall represent and facilitate the collective wishes of its UA groups, as expressed at the WSC, and through regular communication with an independent and autonomous GSR Committee that meets regularly throughout the year.


The GSR Committee shall be notified when vacancies occur on the GSB, and given an opportunity to review the credentials of available candidates before any GSB elections are held or appointments made.


The General Service Board shall not dictate policy or make significant decisions that are at cross-purposes with an informed group conscience of UA groups, as conveyed by the GSR Committee, except in matters of financial imprudence that would place the fellowship in fiscal or legal jeopardy.


The GSB shall be transparent in all its operations, informing the Fellowship of its proceedings through complete, accurate and timely records, and via regular communication with its members through the US postal service, electronic media such as the UA website, Calendar of meeting information and events, and/or other means of communication yet to be determined (e.g. simulcasts, podcasts, etc)


Our inverted pyramid symbolizes the 12-step philosophy that the individual UA member is our most valued resource, and all elected service bodies are to be dedicated to the furtherance of 12-step recovery to each and every individual who wishes to recover from the disease of Compulsive Underearning.


Pending further changes to the Bylaws, this codifies the wishes of the GSR Committee and the guiding principles of the UA Fellowship.


Respectfully submitted,

Mark B. from New York
Chair of the GSR Committee of UA

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