How to transition to new treasurer

There are two processes involved, one to transition to online accounts, and one to update the physical signatories on the account.



  • Minutes of meeting showing new officers.
  • A letter from the current Secretary on NY Intergroup letterhead, listing the full names of the new signatories, their titles and their powers (e.g., check signing).


  • The following can visit any Chase branch to request a “signers change”:
    • An existing “authorizing rep” – one of the current signatories
    • Ideally all the new officers. (If some officers can’t attend, the branch will provide paperwork that they can complete and bring into any Chase branch within 30 days).

Online Accounts

Old Treasurer:

  • Verify that emails being sent to are being received by the new treasurer.
  • Log into Paypal and Chase accounts, and update telephone number to the new treasurer’s mobile phone.
  • Send login information (login ID and password) for each account to the new treasurer.

New Treasurer:

  • Log into PayPal account using the provided ID and password (you will likely be required to confirm your identity using a code sent by text message).
  • Update the password to a new one that you can remember.
  • Repeat for the Chase online account.







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