Minutes of the GSR Committee 12/18/16

Pending a more permanent location for this information, the UA GSR Committee has voted to temporarily to post its minutes on this unofficial UA related service website.


Super Abridged Minutes

First UA GSR phone meeting on 12/18/16



Interim Chair Mark B opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer at 1:00 Eastern Time

Volunteer timekeeper: Jean Camille


there was no advance notice that the meeting was being recorded.

Roll call those in attendance:


Jean Camille mentioned that the meeting was being recorded, in case the secretary missed anything.


Alison from General Service Board: 5 minutes with 1 minute warning.

get the work of the conference done at the level of world service, always adhering to the Traditions.


general service reps have not had the opportunity to speak up on issues and have direct interaction on the board meetings.  So it seemed that UA has grown to the point that we need to have this other piece.

Motion 1: To create a GSR committee with the mission to meet monthly in a phone meeting of one and a half hours, following Robert’s Rules, to address issues and to facilitate communication and action.

Motion 2: To create subcommittees working within the GSR committee body in order to carry out the will of the fellowship as a whole, including the chair from each standing GSB committee as liaison.


1 Basically this motion is designed to create the house we’re going to build

2 gives us a venue to do the service structure work and also to form or continue the work of these subcommittees like Literature, Public Information, Phone/Tech, Finance, etc.

These two motions were passed unanimously.



Questions/ comments about recording the meeting

Jean Camille reiterated the only people who will be able to access this are the secretary and the chairperson. Mark liked Tom’s idea of discussing this for next time.


Mark: Now we’ll go to a nomination and volunteering for the various committees that were created at the WSC. Service Structure, Finance, Literature, Public Information, and Tech/Phone/Website.



we need GSRs to join committees, and see who could step up and take over the role of the chair, because the committees report directly to GSB.


the service structure and other committees have already been in existence. It’s not the same as the meeting we are all taking part in right now.


The reason that Motion 2 was worded to create subcommittees was because a part of the GSB bylaws and how they were written. We could not just take the committees out of the GSB and put them somewhere else



you attend the GSR meeting and your committee meeting.


Took roll call and asked people to volunteer for committees.



Mark B, Interim Chair, Bronx Group in NY: Literature

Clara, East 7:15 Underearning and Solvency phone meeting: Literature

Pam, Colorado, 8:30 Heartfelt Prosperity step and tools: Literature

Marcia, Wednesday Night 7 PM Worth in Action: Literature

Athena, NY, 12:15 AM Monday daily prosperity and vitality meeting: Literature

Greg, Altadena, Thursday Night 730 PM Prosperity meeting: Literature

Ed W, NY, Upper West Side Visions Meeting of Manhattan, Wednesday nights:


Shawn, New York: Literature


Maggie, Thursday Night Prosperity: Finance


Service Structure-3

Geri, New Jersey, 9:45 Eastern ST Step and Tools phone meeting: Service Structure

Steve, GSR Intuition and Clarity phone meeting on Sundays: Service Structure

Eve B. NYC, member at large, attended the WSC: Service Structure

Public Information-3

Fay, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem: Public Information

Wayne in Canada just listening in. Public Information

Henasusha, Massachusetts, Amherst Steps to Prosperity meeting Monday night: Public


Tech/Phone/Website -1

Eliya, Los Angeles, Saturday Farmers Market meeting 11:00:  Tech/Phone/Website

Tom, UA NYC Sunday 11 AM meeting: (No response)




Clara:   I thought this meeting was so we could determine who was a chair of this particular meeting. I thought we would first lay down the structure within this particular group.


Jean Camille: Would you be willing to lead one more time? That will give us time to clarify everything, define the role, and get a chairperson.

Maggie: We will need a secretary for the next meeting, because I will not be doing this next month. Wayne from Canada volunteered.


meeting next?

January 15th 1 PM Eastern Time, 10 AM Pacific. Same number and access code.

Steve–Consider having rotating chairs and rotating times for the meeting

Henasusha: How do we put items on new business? My item would be a discussion of the time. The date and the time for this meeting.



Steve- I think there were 15 GSR’s on this meeting. 27 at the WSC, so today we have about 2/3 of that. Over 100 different groups that couldn’t get to the WSC

(Rita) sent out the multiple invitations to this meeting. It’s an imperfect list, but it was more inclusive than just who attended the WSC


The meeting ended at 2:33 PM Eastern Time.

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