Sponsorship Pamphlet, Rough Draft v0.01

At the request of the GSB, the literature subcommittee of the NY Intergroup is working on  a pamphlet on Sponsorship, based on the Sponsorship Pamphlet outline. If you would like to help with this, please contact Alexis Q.

Below is the first rough draft of the pamphlet, version 0.01, dated 5/11/2016.  We would like to thank everyone involved in the creation of this draft, especially Aviva R.

Please note that some browsers will not open the following links properly, instead presenting a pageful of gibberish.  If you encounter this problem, please right-click on the link, and save the file to your computer, where you should be able to open it properly.

Sponsorship Pamphlet rough draft v0.01 (PDF) (Word)




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